
How to find relief from shoulder pain…

How to find relief from shoulder pain…  

Your shoulder is the most unstable and moveable joint in your body. Its wide range of motion occurs due to four primary muscles and their tendons, called the rotator cuff. If your shoulder becomes inflamed or an impingement happens, you may make the mistake of trying to avoid using your arm to help it heal. It may surprise you that not moving can contribute to more pain or even lead to a frozen shoulder. Controlled movement is one of the best ways to heal.  


The tendons are the most common source of shoulder pain. Your tendons attach the muscles of the shoulder to the bones. If a tendon becomes trapped, it can result in shoulder impingement. If a tendon becomes inflamed, you may hear it called tendinitis or bursitis. And if a tendon becomes torn, you guessed it; you have a rotator cuff tear.  


Shoulder Bursitis: If the sac of fluid that cushions your shoulder becomes swollen and painful due to repetitive motions, you may have bursitis.  


Shoulder Impingement: If your tendons get pinched between or under the bones of your shoulder, it can lead to impingement. Lifting overhead repetitively can cause impingement, resulting in swelling and pain.  


Rotator Cuff Tear: Your rotator cuff can become damaged due to overuse, injury, or age. Tears usually cause pain when you try to lift things, and you may hear a popping sound as you move.  

Next Steps:  

In conclusion, chiropractic care is integral to the journey toward better mobility, strength, and overall well-being. It's not only about the spine but also the care for your extremities. If you're struggling with pain or lack of motion in your limbs, don't let it keep you from the activities you love. Reach out to our practice today. We're committed to helping you move better, feel better, and live a more fulfilling life. Your journey to a healthier you starts here. Remember, chiropractic care is a step towards enhanced health and pain-free life. Don't hesitate to contact us today! 

 Science Sources:  

Immediate Effects of Spinal Manipulation on Shoulder Motion Range and Pain in Individuals With Shoulder Pain: A Randomized Trial. J Chiropr Med 2019