
Taking a Stand Against Opioids

Taking a Stand Against Opioids

About 30 years ago, medicine had a shift in how they thought pain should be addressed. "Pain is a 5th vital sign" became a rallying cry, and new medications were created to block pain…at all costs. They now know that these medications created a never-before-seen healthcare epidemic. To begin with, the drugs weren't very good at addressing chronic pain, and they require larger and larger doses to achieve an effect over time.

Taking a stand against opioids starts with our ability to help people find relief from chronic pain. Nearly all of our primary healthcare organizations have now advocated for a non-drug approach to care. And the data is clear- people are looking for solutions for chronic pain that extend beyond a prescription.

- The Centers for Disease Control (FDA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and others have recommended a non-pharmacological approach to chronic pain should be the first line of treatment

- Over 40% of blogs relating to opioids are focused on people trying to find solutions “beyond the pill”

- Together, we can end the opioid crisis by breaking the cycle of chronic pain with natural and effective healthcare choices

Next Steps: 

Chronic pain is described as biopsychosocial, which means that it's complex and has many dimensions. Creating personalized care, goal-oriented, and coordinated care plans are critical and exactly why our practice begins each patient with a complete and thorough evaluation. Our evaluation helps us understand your history, goals, and challenges. From there, we can create a comprehensive plan of care that enables you to find long-term relief from chronic pain.

Science Source:  

 Healing the Unmet Needs of Patients Suffering from Chronic Pain. 2019