
What happens when you massage a trigger point

Relieve Pain with Chiropractic Care in Henderson, NC

Do not allow pain to take control of your life. At Care Chiropractic and Acupuncture Center, we specialize in treatments for musculoskeletal injuries using all-natural pain relief. Musculoskeletal injuries are very painful, and we are committed to helping our patients overcome the pain and discomfort that is caused by them. Our chiropractor offers unique solutions to restore the body back to normal. To reduce chronic pain, our team uses various techniques and therapies to promote healing. Deep tissue massage is one of the most popular therapy treatments utilized by our chiropractor.

The Use of Massage Therapy on Trigger Points

We refer to trigger points as painful spots that are located in the muscle. Trigger points are also called knots and are very sensitive when any amount of pressure is applied. The pressure typically causes pain in another part of the body. Trigger points have many causes, including over or under exertion of the muscles, poor posture, and injury. When we use massage therapy to treat trigger points. It releases and softens the knot in the muscle to reduce all associated pain. The massage can generate discomfort as well as relief. There may be some tiredness or soreness for a couple of days after the therapy, but it has been noted that some patients feel more energized after having massage therapy on trigger points.

Visit Care Chiropractic and Acupuncture Center in Henderson, NC

If you have not experienced what chiropractic care can do for you, make an appointment to see our doctor today. Call us today at (252) 438-2273 to schedule your appointment. Our welcoming staff are ready and available to assist you today.