
Signs of Neck Pain

Signs of Neck Pain

Neck pain symptoms can vary. It can be excruciating and prevent you from excessive movement or it may just be a mild nuisance. Getting chiropractic care in Henderson, NC can help with neck pain.

Common Neck Pain Symptoms

Neck pain will typically involve a few different signs and symptoms.

Stiff Neck: This involves difficulty moving the neck or soreness, especially as you try to turn your head from side to side.

Sharp Pain: Pain may be localized in one spot and can feel like stinging or stabbing. This usually happens in the lower neck.

General Soreness: Discomfort will be felt in a border region of the neck. It is usually described as achy or tender instead of sharp.

Radicular Pain: This pain radiates along the nerve from the neck into the arm and shoulder. Intensity can vary. This pain can also feel like searing or burning.

Cervical Radiculopathy: Neurological defects, such as problems with strength, reflexes, or sensation, can be experienced in the arm because of nerve root compression.

Trouble with Lifting or Gripping Objects: If the weakness or numbness goes into the fingers or arm, you may have trouble lifting or gripping objects.

Headaches: Irritation in the neck can also affect nerves and muscles connected to the head.

Onset of Neck Pain Signs

Neck pain may develop in many different ways. It can develop slowly over time, starting out as mild and then recur or get worse as time goes on, such as neck pain related to chronic stress. It can also start immediately after an injury, such as when having slept awkwardly or experiencing a bike accident. It may also be delayed after an injury. Neck pain can show up hours or days after an accident and then get worse over time. It can also start without any warning signs.

Symptoms can be constant, come and go regularly, or return every so often. Certain activities, such as coughing can make the pain worse.

Visit Our Chiropractor for Neck Pain Relief 

Chronic stress and many other factors can lead to neck pain that needs chiropractic attention. Visiting our chiropractor in Henderson, NC can relieve neck pain without the use of prescription drugs. Contact us at Care Chiropractic Center today.